LIAR CHEATER GREEDY goans continue to become richer ROBBING hardworking migrants from north karnataka and their children

Goa is the richest state in india is because the SHAMELESS LIAR GREEDY goans are extremely RUTHLESS in CHEATING, EXPLOITING,ROBBING hardworking migrants from north karnataka to get lucrative central government jobs with ROBBED resume, data since the migrants from north karnataka do not have anyone to help or defend them against the endless LIES and FRAUDS of the pathological LIAR, CHEATER GREEDY goans
In the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY, RESUME ROBBERY of the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer from north karnataka, 4-5 Lazy greedy goan, sindhi frauds are getting a monthly government salary for falsely claiming to have the resume, savings, own the domains, bank account of the single woman engineer since 2010, after criminally defaming her without any legally valid proof.
Usually officials, leaders from the state will help the migrants from the state, most of the north karnataka officials/leaders are taking massive bribes from the greedy gujju stock trader amita patel with net worth of Rs 100 crores or more and allowing her to fake domain ownership, online income and get a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real domain investor
The massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD has continued for more than 14 years since 2010, and can be legally proved using the banking records, tax id , Pan number of the raw/cbi employees , yet not even one tech, internet company, government agency, leader in the ruling or opposition party has the honesty or humanity to question the massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD on migrants from north karnataka and their children even after they have left goa.

Guide on using keys for making money using is a crypto platform launched in August 2023. The social app allows users to trade Crypto twitter personalities.
A popular crypto influencer has developed a way to convert a account into a money making machine, if the member has access to specific keys and groups.
Initially the member will have to install Python and then use the keys to follow the procedure specified in the youtube video, which is a detailed guide,

Software bug/error in Timebucks clicks, ads being shown twice

Timebucks claims that it is paying $0.001 for each click
Yet for the survey clicks for Bitlabs, Theorem research and others, the ads are being shown twice, yet the account of the user is credited only once
This allegedly part of the slavery racket of the top tech and internet companies in india who are ruthlessly cheating, exploiting robbing online workers, investors to get government jobs for well connected frauds like panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro,and the shameless short slim fraud married greedy architect telugu trisha who has hacking equipment installed in her relatives house so that GREEDY FRAUD LAZY LIAR married architect telugu trisha can continue making FAKE CLAIMS
If anyone else is facing the same problems please contact

Liar internet companies refuse to end their fraud of making up fake stories about housewives and students

Most housewives are paid a reasonable amount monthly by their husbands for cooking, cleaning and other housework, the amount they get from their husband is far more than the very small amount from doing online work like PTC websites after spending hours.
Only single women domain investors who do not have anyone helping them financially, and are criminally defamed, cheated, exploited,robbed by government agencies, are making losses and are forced to to do whatever low end work which will pay them to pay the domain expenses .
Showing how the extremely dishonesty greedy cheater tech and internet companies refuse to end the criminal defamation, financial fraud, slavery of the real online workers, investors, wherever they go,these cheater companies continue to spread fake rumors that the online worker, investor paying a huge amount monthly for credit card bills, has no income at all to ruin her reputation everywhere she goes in India
Additionally these SHAMELESS LIAR top tech and internet companies are also robbing the data of the online worker, investor and falsely claiming that the computer work is done by cheater housewives only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husband, scammer students only studying and enjoying.

SHAMELESS GREEDY LIAR, panaji goan gsb FRAUD housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro continues to CRIMINALLY DEFAME domain investor to FAKE domain ownership

In all sectors, the companies have the honesty and humanity to acknowledge the investors, professionals who have invested their time and money in the sector.
Only in the tech and internet sector,the cheater companies allegedly led by google,tata, infosys, cognizant refuse to acknowledge the investor,professional spending her time and money online and are making up fake stories about cheater housewives like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan call girls and other frauds who these shameless cheater companies are aware do spend time and money online, only ROB data of a single woman engineer, domain investor to make fake claims

as part of deal with SHAMELESS GREEDY panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, her fraud father nayak, husband CHEATER caro working in security agencies,LIAR ROBBER riddhi nayak caro and her fraud family are extremely vicious in criminally defaming the domain investor wherever she goes in india, falsely claiming goa’s top FRAUD
GREEDY panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who has never paid for any domain or expenses like her powerful fraud boyfriends owns this and other domains of a single woman engineer, domain investor so that goa’s top CHEATER panaji gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro can continue to FAKE domain ownership and get a monthly government salary

the domains are always available for sale, yet being extremely SHAMELESS GREEDY, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, her fraud father nayak, husband CHEATER caro refuse to legally purchase the domains, only spread FAKE rumors to criminally defame the single woman domain investor and FAKE domain ownership, online income, get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, single woman engineer like panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan

Indore cheater raw employee deepika does not falsely accuse stock traders working from home of commercial business, she only defames, exploits domain investors

Millions of stock traders in India are working from home for profit, the fraud tech, internet companies, indore’s top cheater raw employee bespectacled deepika does not falsely accuse them of commercial business and does not falsely claim to own their shares
Only in case of a single woman domain investor, her relative indore’s top cheater raw employee deepika, her cheater husband fraud indore officials/leaders make fake commerical allegations to get indore cheater deepika, great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer, domain investor in a case of government FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY.
the stock traders working from home are spending far more time online, usually 8 hours daily, yet exposing the discrimination, dishonesty of indore’s top cheater housewife raw employee deepika, she and her liar associates do not ask the stock traders to purchase/rent offices, or falsely claim to own their shares, bank account . The stock traders are also making more profit, yet the indore cheater deepika only harasses, exploits the domain investor since the cheater indian tech, internet companies are supporting her in her endless frauds.

Most married raw/cbi employees do not have a credit card, yet get monthly government salaries for faking website ownership

Google advertises in times of india about preventing cybercrime, yet along with other top tech and internet companies it has allegedly openly rewarded indore cheater housewife raw employee deepika and 10-15 lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employes especially panaji goan bhandari sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, wife of fraud security agency employee CHEATER caro for massive online, financial fraud, SLAVERY, faking website ownership on a single woman engineer, investor since 2010 with the help of the government employees from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay led by puneet who hate the single woman engineer, their batchmate.
most married women especially housewives are usually completely dependent on their husband for work outside the home, financially and networking with security, intelligence agencies who are looting, robbing the resume of vulnerable single women from other states especially north karnataka to get lucrative government jobs in the internet sector for married women only cooking, cleaning for their cheater husbands.
For example when a indore cheater housewife deepika wanted an air ticket when she visited her relatives, she does not have a computer or laptop, credit or debit card, so she asked her husband to book the ticket and he sent it to her on whatsapp.
Yet showing how ruthless indian tech and internet companies are in their fraud on hardworking older single women, they are criminally defaming her, robbing all her data and falsely claiming that married women like panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, kolhapur panaji school dropoiut cbi employee naina premchandani who do not have a credit or debit card, are booking the air ticket, paying for the domains to give them great powers, monthly government salaries at the expense of the single woman investor
Paying the credit card bill for domain renewals on time is very difficult for an online investor/worker without any fixed income, she has to waste a lot of time doing low end work. Yet the tech and internet companies remain extremely ruthless in their financial fraud on a single woman engineer since 2010, making up fake stories of friendship with government employees who HATE her, have never contacted her, and will never contact her in future also since they HATE her.
The cunning cheater indore officials/leaders like the cheater officials from 4 other states have run the credit card, financial fraud for more than 14 years without being questioned showing the lack of ethics, humanity and honesty of the largest tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, cognizant.
the shameless tech and internet companies also refuse to end their financial fraud,SLAVERY when it can be easily proved and this demotivates the real domain investor who is not willing to take more risk online .

FRAUD hyderabad hackers hacking computers of harmless webmasters and falsely labelling them criminals, getting jobs for lazy greedy young frauds like telugu trisha

In one of the greatest extortion rackets which the mainstream media refuses to cover, FRAUD hyderabad hackers hacking computers of harmless webmasters to get control of the computer, misuse it to commit crimes. Then these cunning cheater hackers are falsely labelling the harmless webmasters criminals to cheat exploit and rob them when actually the hackers are the criminals,hacking computers of harmless citizens and misusing them to commit crimes.
After falsely labelling the harmless webmaster who they hacked as criminals,these hyderabad, haryana hackers , getting government jobs for lazy greedy young frauds like short slim architect telugu trisha,.goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, ruchita kinge, who do not spend any time doing computer work at all,in a case of government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD .

Providing gadget details to testing websites increases possibility of hacking

The domain investor was forced to purchase another smartphone because the Itel smartphone was completely hacked.
New apps were getting installed automatically.
Then the touch screen stopped functioning
It appears that when the gadget details were provided for the testing websites, the data was misused to hack the smartphone.
Additionally the testing websites never send any paid work at all.
So it is better to avoid the testing work completely

Haryana/shivalli brahmin hackers delete downloaded backup of tax blog

Though the banking fraudster raw employees bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud hacker tata power employee guruprasad, gurugram top online fraudster ruchita kinge, optum health human resources manager, panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, whose LIAR husband CHEATER caro works in security agencies, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, other fraud raw/cbi employees do not have online income, do not pay any expenses,as part of the massive online FINANCIAL FRAUD run by the CHEATER indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google since 2010, these frauds are allegedly falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account, domains of a single woman engineer, domain investor who they HATE, criminally defame and getting a monthly government salary.
The domain investor is always taking a backup of the wordpress blog if she will log in, and she had taken a backup in the morning. After some time she found that the backup is missing.